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vendredi 2 avril 2010
Typhiquement indien
Dans une rue proche de l'appartement de Vladimiro voila une voiture avec une petite maisonette sur son toi, qui abrite la statue de Sai Baba de Shirdi un saint tres vénéré en Inde, mort en 1918. On peu voir un peu partout des "situation" comme celle ci.
In a street near the apartment of Vladimiro there is a car with a small house on her now, which houses the statue of Sai Baba of Shirdi a very revered saint in India, died in 1918. They see a little bit everywhere "situation" like this one.
In a street near the apartment of Vladimiro there is a car with a small house on her now, which houses the statue of Sai Baba of Shirdi a very revered saint in India, died in 1918.
RépondreSupprimerThey see a little bit everywhere "situation" like this one.